The spirit and soul are 2 parts of the essential elements of us as a human being. The third being the vehicle – our bodies.

“… and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept …” – 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Knowing how they differ from each other is a great help in knowing more about yourself. It is useful to understand the different roles and function these 3 parts of us have. Man is made of two kinds of “stuff” being Physical (Body) and Non-physical (Spirit & Soul)

The Human SpiritThe Body:

The Soul:

The Spirit:

Trilogy of manOur Source of Discomfort

Connected, the spirit is source that lights up our souls. It is this lack of connection to that results in dis-ease and the emotions of:

Anthony Fisichella tried to explain that the Spirit is like the electricity that lights up the bulb, which is the soul – in his book, One Solitary Life: From The Unknown To The Known?.

From Luke 16:19-31, we know that the spirit of man consciously survives death. Death is the separation between the body (physical), from the non-physical. When we die, our body returns to dust, but we pass with all our earth memories intact.