ADHD is a serious condition affecting thousands of people and families. AcuADHD is a drug-free non-verbal treatment involving Magnotheraphy. Which is the practice of placing small magnets in very specific Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture points on each ear.
It is important to notice that most ADHD cases are simply not ADHD. Each proposed case of ADD or ADHD must be properly investigated.
Effectiveness of Acu-ADHD ™
Where the cause of the problem is body imbalance, AcuDetox™ and Magnotheraphy are highly effective in balancing the body, brain, mind, and behaviour. Normally the cause of an unbalanced body (organs) can be traced back as far as birth. Children can be born with various complications or dangerous afflictions. Whereby it is certainly necessary to use modern methods to treat, stabilize, and even save the life of a baby.

Modern drugs are in fact chemicals (toxins). Although the short-term effect of keeping the child alive is achieved (from birth throughout childhood). The long-term effect is body toxicity and organ dysfunction (i.e. dysfunctional brain chemistry). In Chinese medicine, normal organ function is the seat of human health and brain chemistry function. Body and brain dysfunction caused by organ dysfunction is extremely common nowadays.
Our water, our food, our air, and even our medication, literally poisons us. Where these cause ADD and ADHD, AcuDetox™ and/or magnotherapy is the most powerful and successful treatment process after treatment. Boundary issues and parenting techniques also play a critical role.